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Our Mission and Purpose

 Sharing Christ with the World by presenting his love for them and modeling Him by not only sharing the gospel but providing needs in the communities we encounter. Clothing programs, feeding programs and additional resources as they become available to us. Effective witnessing with effective etiquette while evangelizing is what we do! Offering a Curriculum based program built to win souls for Christ from the inside out. Healing oneself while preparing to lead others to Christ. Building confidence in witnessing and/or simply just sharing your faith. I Believe Ministries is a non profit organization, a subsidiary of I Believe lnc.


Partnering with your church to grow good members, bridging generation gaps with a focus on millennials and development of a Discipleship program. 


There are 3 convenient options:


1 day Bootcamp,  Saturday morning

2 day Workshop, Friday evening and Saturday. 

Quarterly enrollment courses.


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