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The Gospel Box


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Strengthen your 

confidence in Sharing the Gospel

Knowing which scriptures to use.

There are may ways to share the Gospel and no one way is perfect. The perfection is in the way you present it to the individual person in which you are speaking to. 


Ultimately, it is up to you to allow the Holy Spirit to lead and guide your conversation.


Exercising the Great Commission is what is required of ALL Christians. Being effective is what will cause every angel in heaven to rejoice!

"For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek."


Romans 1:16



Practice, Practice.

Finding opportunities to use scriptures in everyday conversation.

Our interest in totality is for every Christian to practice what Jesus preached. Our joy is praying Romans 1:8 over you. 


It takes time to grow in confidence and strategy but the commitment to Christ had immediate results.


Believing every word of the bible is true is everything you need to be successful. Sharing the Gospel is within you already. We want to encourage and motivate you with our purposeful tools and gifts; with Jesus as our inspiration and focus


"And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men to Myself.


John 12:32


Feed off the interest level of the person you are conversing with.

It is not what will you say it is how you will say. perfecting your style and reaching those whom are set a part just for your testimony and style to touch their heart for Christ. The fight is fixed against the enemy. New flash! We win in the end. We cant fail, whatever we do for Christ will last. He world will not return to him void. No worry about what your will say and how your will say it. It will all work out for the good of them how love Christ Jesus


"So shall My word be which goes forth from My mouth; it shall not return to Me empty, without accomplishing what I desire, and without succeeding in the matter for which I sent it," Isaiah 55:11

The Gospel Box encourages accountability to a Christian lifestyle by building confidence in sharing your faith and bringing others to a decision for Christ; at the same time being a good steward and cultivating the gifts and talents God has giving you for the world! 

P. O. Box 2298
Allen Texas 75013

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